Thursday, February 24, 2011

colibacillosis, coccidiosis, BWD, ascariasis, parasitic diseases

Multiple choise question.

1.      In the following  which diseaseof Neonates.
a) calf scour
b) Colobacillosis
c) Coccidiosis
d) All of  above
2.      Calf Scour  is  caused by-
a. E.coli
b. Salmonellosis
c. B.anthrasis
d. None  of  above
3.      Colibacillosis  is caused  by-
a. E.coli
b. salmonella
c. Staphylococcus
d. Corynebacterium
4.      Calf scour  also known as-
a. Dietery diarrhoea
b. Greenish diarrhoea
c. Bloody diarrhea
d. none  of above
5.      Which  strain of E.coli cause colibacillosis in calf.
. K 88b. a 88
c. b 88
d. x 88
6.      Which strain of E.coli cause  colibacillosis in pig.
a. k 99
b. a 99
c. b 99
d. x 99
7.      Winter  coccidiosis is  caused by-
a. Eimeria bovis
b. E.zuernii
c. E.tenella
d. E.necatrix
8.      Ascariasis in calf is  caused by-
a. Toxocara vitulorum
b. Taenia saginata
c. Toxocara canis
d. Ascaris sum
9.      Which of  the  following  form of  E.coli-
a. Septicaemic
b. enteric
c. Entro-invasive
d. All of the above
10.   Tachycardia is the  clinical sign of  which disease.
a. calf scour
b. Colibacillosis
c. Ascariasis
d. Coccidiosis
11.   Which drug  is  use for  treatment  od  coccidiosis?
a. amprolium
b. Sulfa drugs
c. Nitrofurazone
d. All of  above
12.   Which  drug  is  use  for treatment of  Ascariasis?
a. Piperazine
b. Levamisole
c. Ivermectin
d. All of  above
13.   Haemorrhgic  enteritis is  seen in which diasease?
a. Colibacillosis
b. Coccidiosis
c. Ascariasis
d. Calf Scour
14.   Visceral larva migration is seen in-
a. Ascariasis
b. Calf Scour
c. Coccidiosis
d. Colibacillosis
15.   Lactogenic transmission is seen in -
a. Colibacillosis
b. Coccidiosis
c. Ascariasis
d. Calf Scour
16.   Eosinophilia is seen in-
a. Parasitic condition
b. Bacteria condition
c. Viral condition
d. None  of  above
17.   Pot belly appearance is seen in-
a. Ascariasis
b. Calf Scour
c. Coccidiosis
d. Colibacillosis
18.   Control measure  of  ascariosis is-
a. Avoid overcrowding
b. maintain sanitation
c. Regular deworming  in young  animals
d. all of above
19.   Bacillary white diarrhoea in chick is cause by-
a. E.coli
Salmonellac. Both of above
d. Proteus
20.   Bacillary White diarrhea is also known as-
a. Pullorum disease
b. Coccidiosi
c. Colibacillosis
d. Ascariasis
Fill In The Blanks :

1.      E.coli produce metallic seen on EMB agar.
2.      E.coli produce pink colony on EMB agar.
3.      Dose rate of piperazine  in calf 220 mg per kg body weight.
4.      Dose rate of Ivermactin in calf 200mg per kg body weight.
5.      Dose rate of  Levamisol in calf 7.5 mg per kg body weight.
6.      Piperazine  salts are  commonly  used for  treatment of Ascariasis disease.
7.      IMVic reaction of E.coli is ++--
8.      Enteric  colibacillosis is common in calf.
9.      Septicaemic colibacillosis is common in foal and  lamb.
10.   Eimeria zuernii is caused winter coccidiosis disease.

vitamin A, D, E

Fill In The Blanks :
1.      ___________ helps in the conversion of carotine to Vit. A. (Thyroxine)
2.      ___________ decrease the availability of Vitamine through excretion from the Gut as this vitamine is fat soluble. (Oliogenous Purgatives/ Liquid Parafin)
3.      _______ and _______ as fertilizers interfere with the conversion of carotene to Vit. A. (Nitrate, Nitrite)
4.      __________ is the store house of Vit. A.(Liver)
5.      Animals deficient in Vit. E absorb __________ inefficiently. (Vit. A)
6.       Biot’s spot is associated with ___________ deficiency. (Vit. A)
7.      Occasionally anterior chamber of the eye may be filled with cellular exudates leading to a condition known as ___________(Hypopyon)
8.      Night blindness is due to the deficiency of _______(Vit A)
9.      Night blindness is also known as _______(Nyctalopia)
10.   Corneal scar is sequelae to _______. (Xeropthalmia)
11.   Blindness is due to compression of ________ nerve. (Optic nerve)
12.   Absence of eye is called as _______ . (Anopthalmos)
13.   Small eyes is called as______. (Microopthalmos)
14.   ___________ is an anti infective vitamine. (Vit A.)
15.   Hyperkeratinized  condition of the skin is known as __________ (Xerodermia)
16.   Selenium is absorbed from ________ (Dueodenum) but not absorb from _________ (Rumen and Abomasum)
17.   __________ vitamin act as Anti oxidant. (Vit E)
18.   Vit E. is also known as ___________ (Tocoferol)
19.   In white muscle disease, white area of muscle shows ________ degeneration. (Zenker’s)
20.   In __________ species Vit D3 is more effective. (Chicken)
21.   _________ and __________ are the precursors of Vit D2 and Vit D3. (Ergosterol and 7- Dehydrocholestrerol)
22.   A deficiency of Vit D in young animals results _________ (Rickets)
23.   A deficiency of Vit D in older animals results _________ (Osteomalacia)
24.   Hepatosis dietecia is seen in Pig due to deficiency of _____ and ____ (Selenium, Vit E)
25.   _______ and ________ Enzymes levels are elevated is indicated deficiency of Vit E. (Serum CPK, SGOT)
26.   Day blindness is also known as__________. (Amblyopia)
27.   Cells of eye responsible for vision in Day light are _____ (cone)
28.   Cells of eye responsible for vision in Night are _____ (Rod)
29.   __________ vitamin is Anti-sterility factor. (Vit E)
30.   Crazy Chick disease in chick due to deficiency of Vitamin _______ (Vit E)

Deficiency of Mg, Ca ,P

Fill in the blank
1)      Best site of ca absorbtion is the upper part of intestine
2)      Hypocalcemia frequently found in high yielding jersey cows
3)      Hypocalcemia commonly occurs in late winter and spring seasons
4)      Normal ratio of calcium and phosphorus level in blood 2.3:1
5)      Milk fever associated with hypocalcemia,hypomagnesemia     hypophosphotemia is know as milk fever syndrome
6)      Normal ratio of Ca and Mg in blood is 6:1
7)      Deficiency of Ca cause rickets in young growing animals
8)      Deficiency of Ca cause osteomalasia in adult animals
9)      Ca  mineral is very important to maintain muscle tone and excitability of muscles.
10)   Ca mineral increase muscle tone and Mg mineral decrease the muscle tone
11)   Cow secretes about 12 times of Ca through colostrum
12)   Temperature in milk fever is subnormal
13)   Hypophosphotemia is characterised by intravascular heamolysis, heamoglobinurea,and profound aneamia
14)   Hypophosphotemia is endemic disease in buffalo
15)   P mineral affects the fragility of RBCs
16)   Pica developed due to deficiency of phosphorus
17)   Hypomagnesaemia is characterised by hyperesthesia ,incordination ,tetany, and convulsion
18)   Hypomagnesaemia is more prevalent in winter month
19)   Normal Mg level in blood is 2.3 mg/dl
20)   Excessive production of ammonia in the rumen from protein rich diet prevents the absorption of Mg 
21)   Alpha ketobuteric acid like chelating agent interferes with Mg absorption
22)   Calcitonin hormone acts as antihypermagnesemic agent
23)   The main reservoirs of Mg are bones and soft tissue
24)   Hypomagnesaemia also known as lactation tetany, grass staggers and wheat pasture poisoning
25)   Acetylcholine esterase is responsible for titanic signs in magnesium deficiency

Multiple choice
1)     Normal Ca level in the blood
A)9-10 mg/dl           B)6-7 mg/dl
C)4-5 mg/dl             C)2-3 mg/dl
2)      Common period in which hypocalcaemia frequently occurs
A)72 hours before parturation   B)72 hours after parturation
C)3 wk after parturation           D)at time of gestation period
3)      Hypocalcaemia occurs in which calving period
A)in 1-3 calving period       B)in 2-3 calving period
C)3-7 calving period           D)in 1st calving 
4)      Milk fever is also known as
A) hypocalcaemia      B)parturient paresis
C) parturient apoplexy    D)all of above
5)      Cause of milk fever in animal
A)deficiency of vit. D          B)increase calcitonin level in blood
C)high Ca intake during dry period     D)all of above
6)      Ca and Mg is ------------- of each other
A)antagonist                         C)non of above
B)agonist                                 D)  A and B both
7)      In sheep mostly milk fever occurs in which period
A)after parturation                B)in later part of pregnancy
C)in early pregnancy              D)none of above
8)      Hypophosphotemia is also known as
A)post parturient haemoglobinuria     B)red water
C)lahu mutna                   D)all of above
9)      Normal phosphorus level in blood
A)4-7 mg/dl            B)1-2 mg/dl
C)10-15 mg/dl        D)none of above
10)   Factors affecting Mg hemostasis
A)tetanic pasture         B)chelating agent
C)ammonia formation   D)all of above
11)   Hypomagnesaemic tetany also known as
A)lactation tetany       B)transit tetany
C)grass tetany              D)all of above

Deficiency Disease of Iron, Copper, Zinc, Cobalt, Selenium, Iodine & Manganese

·        Fill in the Blanks…
1.       70% of the body iron will remain as a functional iron mainly as a Haemoglobin & Myoglobin.
2.       Anaemia is the principle sign of iron deficiency in all animals.
3.       Sever anaemia in piglets due to iron deficiency is characterized by “Bottle Jaw” condition.
4.       Copper is essential for the synthesis of haemoglobin along with iron.
5.       Liver is the main storage of copper In body.
6.       Secondary deficiency of copper occurs due to high level of Molybdenum.
7.       About 90% of copper remains in plasma as a ceruplasmin.
8.       Copper deficiency produce fibrosis characterized by sudden death, this condition is known as “Falling Disease”.
9.       Skin, Hair & wool are rich in zinc content.
10.     Zinc is necessary for RNA synthesis.
11.     Zinc deficiency causes imperfect keratinization of epithelial cell of skin in pig known as “parakeratosis”.
12.     In dairy cattle excess thickening of skin due to zinc deficiency is known as “Hyperkeratosis”.
13.     Zinc deficiency causes adverse effect in the process of spermatogenesis.
14.     Cobalt is necessary for synthesis of vitamin B12 in rumen.
15.     Selenium has a anti-oxidant property will protect pre oxidation of tissue.

·        Answers the following…
1.       White muscle disease, stiff lamb disease and nutritional myopathy occurs due to deficiency of which mineral?
-         Selenium.
2.       Due to manganese deficiency which clinical sign occur?
-         Infertility and limb deformities.
3.       Iodine helps in production of which hormone in thyroid gland?
-         Thyroxin.
4.       Goiter occur due to deficiency of which mineral?
-         Iodine.
5.       Selenium deficiency in pigs causes which condition?
-         Mulberry heart disease and yellow fat disease.
6.       What is Achromotrichia?
-         Copper deficiency causes depigmentation of hairs and wools known as achromotrichia.
7.       Spactacle disease occur due to deficiency of which mineral?
-         Copper.
8.       How copper deficiency occur?
-         It occurs due to,
a.       Grazing in copper deficient soil &
b.       Secondary deficiency occur due to high level of molybdenum.
9.       How anaemia occrs due to copper deficiency?
-         Low level of copper causes hindrance in the process of haematopoieses resulting into anaemia.
10.     Which type of anaemia is caused by iron deficiency?
-         Microcytic hypochromic.
11.     Cobalt is necessary for metabolism of which V.F.A?
-         Propionate.
12.     Which mineral stimulate the growth and multiplication of rumen micro organism?
-         Cobalt.
13.     Leg weakness and alopecia in new born calf occurs due to which mineral deficiency?
-         Iodine.
14.     Selenium and sulphur containing amino acids combinely protect the tissue from which damage?
-         Oxidative damage.
15.     Define “Sway Back”                                                                                                                                                                            
- Copper deficiency produce demylination of CNS. There is a necrosis and neuronal degeneration of spinal cord and brain stem, such animal show nervous manifestation known as Sway back or neonatal ataxia.